The Brighton PTO is entirely volunteer led. Please consider joining us and helping make the magic happen.
Volunteer signups for specific events will be posted here when there is a need.
Lunar New Year Celebration: We need four volunteers to help with the January 28 Lunar New Year Celebration. Two volunteers to help at the 9-10am assembly (6th-8th) and another two to help at the 10-11am assembly (K-5th). Or the same two can volunteer for both. If you are interested & available, email our Lunar New Year Chair Marcella Tran at treasurer@brightonpto.com.
Winter Soup Potluck Teacher Appreciation: Please sign up HERE to volunteer with this event on Thursday, January 30, helping with set up/clean up or to deliver soup or bread.
We are actively looking to fill the following roles:
Parent Party Organizer (March date TBD)
Spring Fling School Dance Organizer (March 29)
All School End-of-Year Picnic Organizer
Spring Cultural Fair Organizer
Fun Run Marketing & Promotion
These roles can always be shared if you have a friend you want to sign up with.
If you have an idea for an activity or a skill you want to offer, we want to hear from you.